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Just, wow....

Firstly, the background is quite stunning. A very nice image of uhh brooklyn I think? Nonetheless, very nice.

Secondly the character icons are very visually pleasing. Clearly shows the force of good (peter parker) against the forces of evil (octorpuss and corporate millionaire)

Finally the gameplay is very reminiscent of popular mobile game, Beaver's revenge. However this is a good thing as the gameplay in both games are incredibly immersive. 

In conclusion, I would give this game like a eight out of ten? Maybe less idk. 

I truly hope to see this game developer thrive in the future, and eventually include hundreds of microtransactions in their games as a way to take even more money away from the average game consumer. 

Yours truly,

Benji, video game connoisseur.

Reference to the gameplay of Beaver's revenge

This is a masterpiece there is not a bug with it that I can see it is very well made and the lovely sound of screams that rattles my ears welcomes me after I launch Tobey at Dafoe. Over all i think this games deserves a solid 7.5/10 

Signed Camerobn